~ Summer/Fall/Spring 2020/2021~
Improve Social Thinking and Social Skills!
*Summer 2020 June 22 - August 7 By appointment Individuals/Groups
*Fall 2020: Sept. 1 - Jan. 29 *Spring 2021: Feb.1 – June 11
*Afternoon or evening sessions for kids, teens and young adults. *Group or individual weekly lessons are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
*Family consult and collaboration offered weekly. *Certified Think Social Mentor (2005), Speech Pathologist and parent-professional.
Groups will be arranged per family schedules. Please do submit forms early! Call any time for information.
To Enroll: 1. Please call Diane at 650.533.8533 or email info@socialstrides.com to check space availability and share questions and concerns. We will schedule a 40-minute Meet and Greet appointment to help decide placement. 2. Return Time Worksheet and Registration forms from the website prior to coming into the office. Forms are found on the “enrollment and fees” page.
Peruse the website for information about services and lesson content.
~ Diane Levinthal M.A., CCC-SLP